It has happened again! The last month, I have seen an almost constant flow of Old Spice coming directly to me daily. Oh boy! I have been on a shopping spree.
As in autumn 2020, the Danish government released some frozen funds this March to stimulate the economy. As with many other such attempts on stimulus, it goes to the wrong hands, so I found myself logging in to magiccardmarket with almost €2000 just burning in my pocket.
That was sweet.
So I bought most of the remaining cards for my Canlander combo deck (and some random Premodern cards too):

Yep! This will be a sweet Canlander deck, once the last four cards in the mail (damn you Spanish mail!) gets here.
But I also bought some staples – or not so staples – for some Old School projects. For example a mighty Enchanting Walls deck!

Finished a playset of Colosi. Started a playset of ATQ Trisk (damn, those are hard to find for sale in Denmark!) and got myself a nice couple of Avengers! I actually think the Avenger should see some more play. But we will get back to that at some point.
Then someone started talking about an OS format where only Alpha and Beta cards were allowed. That accelerated my shopping.

The last Sinkhole is in the mail (you know the drill: “damn you etcetera, etcetera…”).
But MY MAN! I am so happy with these cards. As you can see, I am going directly for TIER1!One! of the AB60 format. Playing Frozen Shade and Obsianus Golem. But what about the Bog Wraith (I have some Evil Presence incoming too!), or Craw Wurms with UNHOLY STRENGTH. You should get out of the way fast. And also the might Orcish Artillery + Circle of Protection: Red synergy. Damn!
Lastly – and by no means least. I bought some cards, I needed for at very special project:

Behold the mighty round corners!
Now I can actually assemble the Alpha40 deck I have been trying to build for some months. I will write a lot more about that (and also pay some money for charity as I have promised) in a separate post later.
I was just in before the extreme spikes, so the day after I ordered the Mana Flare, it had shot up to double price! This hobby is insane. And that is why these are also probably the last Alpha cards I will ever buy.
All in all I am so happy with how I used my latest stimulus check! Go through the last two pictures again. There is just something immensely beautiful about Alpha and Beta cards. I am so thrilled to own these wonderful pieces of cardboard history – no matter how bad they are.
That was it for now. Except for some smaller wants, and three ATQ Trisk, I will really try to slow down the buying spree the coming months. Let’s see how that works out.
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