That tingling sensation

Short post incoming. Actually not really a post. It is not even a mailday photo post.

I just want to share with you, that I am so looking forward to the coming week. There are about 200 cards on their way to my door, from different places in Europe, and expect all of the to arrive within the next five days.

Oooh! O can hardly wait!

There is really nothing special among the 200 cards. At least not in a value perspective. I think the most expensive cards are like €20 a piece. But by far the most of the cards, are something I need for building spicy decks for my Enchantress series, that I will soon start.

Oh, there will be brewing and building of decks, taking of pictures. It will all be very fine. To let you know, just how fine, there are 2 Beta Flight among the cards. Yep. And 4 Legends Rabid Wombat. Yep, again.

That was really all for know. Stay tuned, hopefully there will be some spicy mailday post within the coming week, and then there will be writings on the wall, about a very special, very Enchanting Lady.

Have a great Sunday, and a great week!

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